Warmly congratulate the Sino Surplus International Limited to become the china general agent of National Oil Company
Business Description
Corporate Activity
Corporate Research and Development
  Distribution— Corporate Activity

National markets petroleum products through refining and processing agreements, throughput and storage capacity, and various distribution arrangements, including swaps and exchange related EFP’s (exchange for physical). National is active on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts, the Caribbean, Latin America as well as the Mediterranean and Black Seas. National believes the 21st century emerging market economic growth and increasing energy consumption will occur on the African continent. Through the auspices of our North African location, we will actively participate in production, transportation, processing and distribution of hydrocarbons throughout the region.

National is strategically located in Rabat, Morocco to assist in management relationship and distribution, this location provides a bridge between the Middle East, North African, and Sub-Saharan producing countries.

Copyright of Sino Surplus International Limited
